March 4, 2011


i know it's late... but no problemo right? 
i went to ANYER BEACH last holiday. i stayed in there about 2 days because i didn't get a comfortable 'HOTEL' cause there were many people visiting to there. i got a hotel but it's not like usual. there were just 2 family stayed in there._. so let's check out these photos!

 Nah ini pantainyaaa.... bagus yaa <3

 my mom,little brotha,and i! jangan liat guenya-.- item bgt
ps: celana yg dipake adek gue celana gue-.- dia ngompol di tempat makan dan ga bw celana-.-
 UNYU! he's so cute muah! he's my little brotha

i captured it,wht do you think?
 sama adek gue yg pertama.. habis main jets ski =D
nah itu dia foto foto nya =) xoxo

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